Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr (1997) 6(1):

acid effect on lipoprotein profiles and
endogenous cholesterol synthesis or clearance
in humans
SL Cook MSc, SD Konrad MSc, YK Goh PhD, MA French PhD and
MT Clandinin PhD
Department of Agriculture,
Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The effect of palmitic acid (C16:0) on serum lipoprotein
cholesterol levels is debatable. If C16:0 is hypercholesterolaemic,
then it may increase the endogenous synthesis or decrease clearance
of cholesterol. Four diets were formulated to provide combinations
of two levels of C16:0 in relation to two levels of PUFA. Healthy
male subjects received each of the four diet treatments for 21 days,
followed by washout periods of 21 days. On day 21 of each diet treatment,
a fasting blood sample was drawn for lipoprotein determination and
to provide a measure of the background level of deuterium. A priming
dose of deuterium was consumed and a second blood sample obtained
24 hours after the first sample. Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
was used to determine the incorporation of deuterium into the newly
synthesised cholesterol molecule, and fractional synthetic rates
calculated. Serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol was not
significantly affected by the high level of C16:0 when diets also
contained the high level of PUFA. There was no effect of C16:0 on
HDL-cholesterol at either the high or low levels of intake. The
fractional synthetic rates of cholesterol observed for each of the
diet treatments did not significantly differ from one another, suggesting
no relationship between the endogenous synthesis of cholesterol
and diet C16:0 content. These results indicate that C16:0 had no
effect on serum lipoprotein profiles in the presence of recommended
intakes for PUFA, nor did it increase rates of cholesterol synthesis
in healthy males.
Key words: Lipidaemia, fat intake,
palmitic acid
Specific dietary saturated fatty acids may raise total
cholesterol levels, and specifically LDL-cholesterol levels. However,
the effects of individual saturated fatty acids are complicated by
evidence showing that all saturated fats do not affect lipoprotein
profiles equally1-3. Stearic acid has little effect on
plasma lipid levels, exerting a neutral effect similar to that of
some mono-unsaturates, while lauric and myristic acid-rich fats have
potent cholesterol-raising effects4-6.
The principal dietary saturated fatty acid is palmitic
acid. Palmitic acid is the major saturate in animal fats, occurring
in large proportions in both meat and dairy products, as well as contributing
substantially to both palm and cottonseed oil6,7. The earlier
studies that involved palmitic acid identified this saturate as exerting
a significant hypercholesterolaemic effect8,9. However,
these findings have recently been questioned by a number of researchers.
Thus the hypercholesterolaemic effect of palmitic acid is debatable.
In a controlled metabolic feeding study Tholstrup
et al investigated the effects of three diets differing in
the major fatty acid supplied (stearic, palmitic or myristic plus
lauric)10. It was concluded that the cholesterol-raising
properties of saturated fats could be attributed solely to lauric,
myristic and palmitic acid. The effect of palmitic acid on cholesterol
levels was approximately midway between that of the other saturates.
These results parallel those suggested by both Keys and Hegsted nearly
30 years earlier in their regression equations used to predict serum
cholesterol responses to various fatty acids9,11. According
to the original Keys hypothesis, palmitic acid should increase blood
cholesterol levels. However, these commonly cited equations failed
to separate the effect of three saturated fatty acids (12:0, 14:0
and 16:0), defining these as equally hypercholesterolaemic. In fact,
when the Keys equation is modified to treat palmitic acid as neutral
(similar to stearic acid), the equation is a better predictor of changes
observed in serum cholesterol levels. This observation has been supported
by Hayes, who hypothesised that 16:0 can be a neutral fatty acid12.
In a study which exchanged 5% of energy from 12:0 plus 14:0 for 16:0
in healthy young men consuming a low cholesterol diet, the dietary
combination of 12:0 plus 14:0 produced significantly higher serum
cholesterol levels than did 16:013.
Studies which have identified palmitic acid as a cholesterol
raising saturate have focused on the effect of palmitic acid on the
LDL-cholesterol fraction. It has been suggested that palmitic acid
may suppress expression of LDL receptors, or accelerate VLDL secretion
from liver to elevate plasma LDL-cholesterol14. Evidence
also suggests that palmitic acid may enhance HDL-cholesterol production.
Lindsey et al examined the qualitative effects of specific
fatty acids on plasma lipoprotein metabolism by feeding six, low-fat,
cholesterol-free diets to hamsters for four weeks each15.
The fat blends differed only in their source of fat; coconut oil,
palm oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, butter, corn oil, and canola
oil. In three of the diets, the PUFA/MUFA/SFA ratio was held constant
while the lauric, myristic and palmitic acid level was varied. Replacing
lauric acid plus myristic acid from coconut oil with palm oil induced
a significant increase in HDL-cholesterol and a slight decrease in
LDL cholesterol. Based on this observation it has been suggested that
if palmitic acid raises serum cholesterol it may exert this effect
by increasing the concentration of the lipoprotein fraction known
to favourably impact atherogenesis, ie HDL.
The controversial role of dietary palmitic acid is
further compounded by other researchers who have failed to demonstrate
elevated plasma cholesterol following palmitic acid consumption. Ng
et al, compared the effects of palmitic acid and oleic acid
in normocholesterolaemic subjects16. Prior to being assigned
to either a palm oil rich diet or an olive oil rich diet, subjects
were challenged with a diet high in coconut oil. This test diet, as
expected, significantly raised all the serum lipoproteins. However,
exchanging 7% of energy between palm oil and olive oil produced identical
lipoprotein profiles, leading to the conclusion that in healthy humans,
exchanging palmitic acid for oleic acid within the range of these
fatty acids normally present in a typical diet will not effect the
serum cholesterol concentration.
The mechanism by which specific fatty acids exert
a hypercholesterolaemic effect has been the subject of much debate.
Changes in faecal sterol excretion and alterations in exogenous cholesterol
absorption have been proposed as mechanisms by which specific saturated
fatty acids raise plasma cholesterol levels, but neither can be definitively
linked to changes observed following dietary fat modifications17-21.
Alterations in lipoprotein composition and uptake may be partially
responsible for changes observed in serum lipid levels, but are unlikely
to affect overall cholesterol balance22-24. Endogenous
cholesterol synthesis appears to be affected by the quality of the
dietary fat fed and may therefore be the key determinant of plasma
cholesterol levels in humans25,26. Although such a relationship
has been defined in animal models, this relationship in humans has
not been thoroughly investigated, primarily due to lack of a suitable
biosynthetic precursor. The majority of previous studies have assessed
rates of cholesterol synthesis through a variety of in vitro
and in vivo techniques including assay of activity of rate
limiting enzymes in cholesterol biosynthesis and assay of rates of
incorporation of various [14C] substrates into cholesterol. Although
both techniques provide a measure of the relative rates of cholesterol
synthesis in a specific organ, neither technique provides data in
which absolute rates of cholesterol synthesis can be calculated27,28.
Furthermore, techniques which employ [14C] substrates necessitate
that the labelled substrate be metabolised to [14C] acetyl CoA, resulting
in dilution by that of unlabeled acetyl CoA which enters from other
substrates. Consequently, the calculated rates of cholesterol synthesis
have been underestimated. More recent studies have identified that
the use of water incorporation techniques for measuring rates of cholesterol
synthesis are superior to the [14C] substrate method29.
Since the specific activity of cell water is constant in all tissues
in the body, a reliable determination of cholesterol synthesis can
be made. Recent advances in isotope ratio mass spectrometry have further
improved the quantitation of endogenous rates of cholesterol synthesis.
This technique allows for use of small amounts of deuterium in metabolic
studies which previously required radioactive substances with undesirable
side effects and limitations in their uses30.
This study investigated the relationship between dietary
palmitic acid levels fed in high or low linoleic acid diets and the
rate of endogenous synthesis of cholesterol in relation to plasma
cholesterol levels. Using the deuterium-uptake method the fractional
synthetic rate of cholesterol was assessed in response to diets varying
in palmitic acid content. Lipoprotein cholesterol level profiles were
also determined to characterise the impact of dietary palmitic acid
on blood lipids.
Subjects. A total of six healthy, male volunteers aged 24.0 + 4.7 years
(range 20-32 years) were recruited by advertisements at the University
of Alberta, Canada. Subjects were 182.4 ± 4.4 cm (mean ± SD) with
a body mass index (BMI) of 23.4 ± 3.5 (Table 1). Average energy intakes
of the subjects was 3500 ± 210 kcal/d (14.7± 0.9 MJ/d). Subjects were
screened by questionnaire for chronic disease, sleeping habits and
exercise schedules. Subjects reported no history of significant medical
or metabolic diseases, were non-smokers, were taking no medications
or vitamin supplements and denied having a family history of diabetes
or coronary artery disease. The protocol was approved by the Ethics
Review Committee at the University of Alberta. Subjects gave informed
consent prior to the investigation.
Table 1. Demographic parameters and weight
of subjects during diet treatments.
Subject |
Age (y)
Height (cm)
Intake (kcal)
mean wt (kg)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
mean |
std dev |
Protocol. The study consisted of four diet treatments of 21 days each, followed
by washout periods of at least 21 days. Four of the six subjects underwent
each of the four, three-week diet treatments, and the remaining two
subjects completed only three of the four diet treatments. Each diet
treatment was comprised of a three-day rotational menu partitioned
into three isocaloric meals. Diets were formulated based on normal
foods to provide the following high (approximately 10-12% of kcal)
or low (approximately 3% of kcal) combinations of C16:0 (palmitic
acid) in relation to C18:2 (linoleic acid): low C16:0, low C18:2;
low C16:0, high C18:2; high C16:0, low C18:2 and high C16:0, high
C18:2 (Table 2). Meals for each diet were provided by the Metabolic
Research kitchen for consumption on site (breakfast and lunch) or
packaged for take-out (supper). Meals were consumed at regular intervals;
0800-0900h, 1130-1300h, and 1730-1900h for breakfast, lunch and supper
respectively depending on the individual subjects schedules. Supplementary
foods were not permitted during the study except for clear tea, decaffeinated
coffee or other energy/caffeine free beverages. Caloric intake of
each subject was tailored to individual requirements based on the
Harris-Benedict equation and incorporating an activity coefficient
between 1.7 and 2.0 depending on the individual degree of activity.
Subjects were weighed daily before breakfast to verify maintenance
of stable body weight. Diets were formulated based on the Food Processor
II nutrient analysis computer software program and fatty acid content
from published nutrient composition tables to contain an average of
28.9 ± 1.6% energy as fat (range of 27.6-31.1% of total kcals), 16.3
± 0.5% energy as protein (range of 15.7-16.9% of total kcals) and
56.2 ± 1.9% energy as carbohydrate (range of 53.5-57.8% of total kcals)
(Table 2). Diets were analysed to verify the fatty acid composition
actually fed. Each diet treatment was balanced for omega-3 fatty acids,
cholesterol and fibre content. Between 0715 and 0830h on day 21 of
each diet phase, a fasting blood sample was obtained by venipuncture
(30 mL) and subjects consumed a priming dose of 0.5g D2O/kg
estimated total body water (99.8 atom percent excess, ICN Biomedicals,
Montreal, Canada) prior to breakfast. Total body water was estimated
as 60% of body weight (taken as the average over each of the 21 day
feeding period). A 2 litre bottle of water containing 1.0g D2O/kg
estimated total body water was provided for consumption over the next
24 hour period to maintain plasma deuterium enrichment at plateau
and to compensate for unlabeled water obtained in the diet. At 24
hours after the first sample, a second fasting blood sample (25 mL)
was obtained. Plasma was obtained by centrifugation at 3000 rpm and
frozen at -20°C. Plasma (5 mL) was sent to the University
of Alberta Hospitals for total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, and creatinine
determination. Total cholesterol content was determined enzymatically.31
HDL was determined following precipitation of other lipoproteins using
dextran sulphate magnesium as described.32 LDL cholesterol
levels were calculated by subtracting HDL cholesterol from the cholesterol
level of 1.006 g×ml-1 infranatant fraction. Serum
creatinine levels were determined by the kinetic Jaffe reaction.33,
Table 2: Nutrient composition of diets.
Nutrient |
Low C16:0
Low C18:2
Low C16:0
High C18:2
High C16:0
Low C18:2
High C16:0
High C18:2
calories (kcal) |
3073.7 ± 158.2
2991.0 ± 267.8
3027.7 ± 31.7
2988.3 ± 228.0
protein (%kcal) |
15.7 ± 3.1
16.9 ± 2.3
16.3 ± 0.4
16.1 ± 2.1
carbohydrate (%kcal) |
56.5 ± 4.8
57.0 ± 3.3
57.8 ± 0.8
53.5 ± 2.6
total fat (%kcal) |
29.2 ± 1.7
27.6 ± 1.1
27.8 ± 0.1
31.1 ± 0.5
saturated fat (%kcal) |
4.8 ± 0.7
4.7 ± 0.3
13.9 ± 0.6
10.2 ± 0.7
MUFA (%kcal) |
18.8 ± 0.9
7.5 ± 0.1
9.0 ± 0.2
8.1 ± 0.3
C18:2 n-6 (%kcal) |
2.8 ± 0.6
12.0 ± 1.4
2.0 ± 0.2
12.1 ± 0.6
C16:0 (%kcal) |
3.2 + 0.2
2.9 + 0.2
10.1 + 0.4
9.9 + 0.2
n-3 FA (%kcal) |
0.5 ± 0.1
0.5 ± 0.1
0.5 ± 0.1
0.40 ± 0.0
cholesterol (mg) |
200.0 + 20.8
176.7 + 77.5
208.0 + 57.4
148.8 + 22.5
dietary fibre (g) |
27.1 + 6.0
32.7 + 8.5
28.0 + 5.1
31.9 + 5.3
1 Values represent means + SD; n=3
for each diet treatment. Diet averages are based on the average nutrients
calculated from each menu cycle for a given diet. All values are derived
from Food Processor II data except for C16:0 and C18:2 n-6 which are
derived from published food composition tables.
analysis of diets. Duplicate freeze-dried
preparations of each complete meal cycle for each diet phase were
homogenised in a polytron, aliquoted (10 g samples) and stored at
-20°C until analysed for total fat and fatty acid content. Fat extraction35
was carried out prior to saponification and transesterification with
KOH and boron triflouride methanol reagent.36 Fatty acid
methyl esters were analysed by gas liquid chromatography (Vista 6010
GLC and Vista 402 data system; Varian Instruments, Georgetown, Ontario)
as described previously.36 Fatty acid methyl esters were
identified by comparison of retention data with that of authentic
standards and quantitated by peak area comparison with internal standards.
of deuterium enrichment. Deuterium
enrichment was measured in plasma water, plasma cholesterol and plasma
cholesteryl ester. To extract the free and esterified cholesterol,
2 mL of plasma at each time point was combined with 4 mL of methanol
and heated at 55°C for 15 min. 12 mL of a 4:1 hexane:chloroform
solution (v/v) was added and shaken mechanically for 10 min. 1 mL
of water was added and the mixture shaken again. Centrifugation at
1500 g for 15 min. was followed by removal of the upper hexane:chloroform
phase. This process was repeated, upper phases combined, and solvent
removed under nitrogen. Extracts were redissolved in 200 mL chloroform and spotted onto thin-layer
silica G plates (Analtech Inc., Newark, DE). Plates were developed
using petroleum ether-diethyl ether-acetic acid (80:20:1, v/v/v) and
air dried. Lipid fractions were identified by comparison with a standard
(Supelco, Bellefonte, PA). Free and esterified cholesterol bands were
scraped from the plates and eluted from the silica scrapings three
times using hexane-chloroform-diethyl ether 5:2:1 (v/v/v), and dried
under nitrogen. Cholesteryl ester fractions were saponified in 0.5N
KOH in methanol for two hours in a sand bath and the resultant free
cholesterol was purified by thin layer chromatography as before. The
saponification step was repeated once more with the cholesteryl ester
band and the free cholesterol pooled with the previous pellet. After
two saponifications, no further cholesteryl ester could be converted
to free cholesterol. The dried cholesterol sample was transferred
to a 1 x 10 mm Pyrex tube, using three washes of chloroform. Cupric
oxide wire (0.5 g) and a 2.5 cm-length 1 mm silver foil was added
to the tube. The tube was placed inside a 15 x 9 mm Pyrex (Corning
Glass Works, Corning, NY) sealed at one end. Combustion tubes were
evacuated to less than 50 mtorr before being sealed with a hot flame.
Tubes were placed in an oven at 51° C for four hours to combust the cholesterol to carbon dioxide and water.
After cooling in the furnace overnight, the tubes were attached to
a vacuum manifold by means of flexible tubing between Cajon fittings
(Swagelok Canada Ltd, Niagra Falls, Ontario) and the seal was broken
by flexing the tube. The combustion product water was transferred
by vacuum distillation into a second Pyrex tube containing 60 mg of
zinc reagent.
Samples of day 22 plasma (enriched plasma), intended
for plasma water enrichment measurement were diluted twenty-fold with
5% bovine serum albumin solution to lower the deuterium enrichment
to within the analytical range of the instrument. Baseline plasma
samples were not diluted. Plasma water samples (10 mL) were distilled into Pyrex tubes containing zinc. The water samples
from plasma water and combustion of cholesterol were reduced by zinc
to hydrogen gas by placing the reaction tubes in a heating block at
470° C for 30 min.37 The reaction
tubes could be attached directly to the mass spectrometer without
further purification. The deuterium enrichment was measured by use
of a Finnigan MAT 251 Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Bremen, Germany)
against hydrogen prepared from a water standard. The mass three abundance
was corrected for H3+ contribution. Multiple
analyses of hydrogen produced from the reduction of a laboratory water
standard demonstrated the analytical precision (coefficient of variation)
of this instrument at <1%. All samples were analysed in duplicate.
Cholesterol fractional synthesis rates (FSR) were
determined from the initial incorporation rate of deuterium-labelled
cholesterol into the rapidly exchangeable cholesterol pool, relative
to the initial precursor enrichment as determined using the body water
deuterium level.27 Maximum attainable enrichment was calculated
as the body water pool enrichment corrected for the fraction of protons
in de novo synthesised cholesterol that derive from water, relative
to non-water sources using the equation:
FSR (d-1) = del (0/00)
init cholesterol
del (0/00) plasma water
where delinit refers to the difference
in plasma cholesterol deuterium enrichment the initial 24 h, and del
max-init the maximum initial enrichment predicted as del (0/00)
plasma water x 0.478.27-29
analysis. Statistical
analyses included analysis of variance procedures (SAS Inc, Cary NC,
USA). To assess the effect of diet on lipoprotein cholesterol levels
the significant difference between diet treatments were determined
by a Duncans multiple range test (Steel and Torrie, 1980). Statistical
signifi-cance was set at p<0.05.
Results and
Subjects. Demographics of study participants is shown (Table 1). By observation
of subjects in the metabolic unit, self reports by subjects and the
lack of meals returned unfinished indicated that the level of subject
compliance in completing meals was high.. Body weight fluctuations
by each subject over each 21 day feeding period was negligible (ranging
from + 0.2 to 0.6 kg). Body weight for individuals over the
entire study period varied somewhat. The group mean weight change
was small (+2.29%) with the majority of weight change occurring during
the washout periods. Mean creatinine levels were not significantly
different between background and test days for each subject on each
diet treatment providing a measure of similar hydration status for
each test period (ie, no dilution effect).
Composition of the diets consumed is shown (Table
2). The contribution of energy from protein, carbohydrate and fat
was within 3-4% for each of the macronutrients between diet treatments.
There were no significant difference between diet treatments in regard
to dietary fibre (29.9 + 2.8g), omega-3 fatty acid (1.54 +
0.16mg) and cholesterol (183.4 + 26.6 mg) content. The arachidonic
acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid was negligible
in each of the diet treatments (0.016 + 0.006%, 0.022 +
0.012%, and 0.030 + 0.011% of fatty acids respectively). In
diets in which the C16:0 and C18:2n-6 content did not provide most
of the required dietary fat, the remainder of the fat was provided
by monounsaturated fatty acids. The analysed fat content of meals
in each diet treatment was close to the formulated values, and was
consistent within each diet treatment.
cholesterol determination. Plasma
lipid level response to diet treatment are reported in Table 3. To
account for slight differences in the total fat content of each of
the diet treatments, lipoprotein values were adjusted by the ratio
of dietary fat to average dietary fat intake (Figure 1 a, b and c.)
Table 3. Lipoprotein cholesterol levels for
subjects studied1
Main effects of
diet treatment |
Low C16:0 |
3.19 ± 0.05*
1.79 + 0.04**
1.11 + 0.02***
High C16:0 |
3.69 + 0.05
2.22 + 0.04
1.19 + 0.02
Low C18:2 |
3.53 + 0.05Y
2.08 + 0.04YY
1.15 + 0.02YYY
High C18:2 |
3.35 + 0.05
1.94 + 0.04
1.15 + 0.02
1 values are adjusted means + pooled
* total chol. significantly different for low C16:0 vs.
high C16:0, p<0.0001
Y total chol. significantly different for low C18:2 vs. high
C18:2, p<0.05
** LDL-chol. significantly different for low C16:0 vs.
high C16:0, p<0.0001
YYLDL-chol. significantly different for low C18:2 vs. high C18:2, p<0.05
***HDL-chol. significant different for low C16:0 vs. high
C16:0, p<0.01
Figure 1a. Total cholesterol for subjects.
Values represent mean + SEM for all subjects. NS= non-significant

Figure 1b. LDL-cholesterol for subjects. Values
represent mean + SEM for all subjects. NS= non-significant

Figure 1c. HDL-cholesterol for subjects. Values
represent mean + SEM for all subjects. NS= non-significant

cholesterol. Normal levels of cholesterol
for male subjects within the age range studied is 3.20 - 4.60 mmol/L.
During the entire study period, normalised total cholesterol values
were between 3.17 and 4.02 mmol/L. Feeding high C16:0 increased
levels of total cholesterol from 3.30 to 3.61 mmol/L
(p<0.0001) when the diet was low in C18:2n-6. When the diet was
high in C18:2n-6 raising the level of C16:0 did not have a significant
effect on total plasma cholesterol level. The effect of dietary C18:2
was also significant, with diets high in C18:2 producing a lower total
cholesterol response (3.31 mmol/L) than diets low in C18:2 (3.59 mmol/L).
cholesterol. The normal range
of LDL-cholesterol is between 1.70 and 3.00 mmol/L. Throughout the
study period normalised LDL-cholesterol values ranged from 1.76 to
2.48 mmol/L; within the low range of normal. Plasma LDL-cholesterol
level was higher (p<0.0001) when subjects consumed the higher level
of C16:0 (2.18 mmol/L) at the low C18:2 intake level. LDL-cholesterol
levels decreased (p<0.01) at the high levels of C18:2 consumption
(1.92 mmol/L) as compared to the lower levels of C18:2 (2.12 mmol/L).
Similar to the total cholesterol response, when the diet was high
in C18:2 raising the level of C16:0 did not have a significant effect
on total plasma LDL-cholesterol levels.
cholesterol. The normal levels
of HDL-cholesterol is between 0.90 and 1.60 mmol/L. Throughout the
study period, normalised HDL-cholesterol values varied only minimally,
ranging from 1.08 to 1.24 mmol/L. Although no significant main effects
of diet on HDL-cholesterol levels were observed, at low levels of
C18:2, high C16:0 raised HDL-cholesterol levels (1.09 mmol/L vs. 1.24
mmol/L) (p<0.001). Conversely, at high levels of C18:2, high C16:0
lead to significant reductions in HDL-cholesterol levels (1.21 mmol/L
vs. 1.08 mmol/L) (p<0.003).
For each of the diet treatments, the mean total cholesterol,
LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol for subjects was maintained within
normal ranges. The highest total and LDL-cholesterol response occurred
following consumption of the high C16:0, low C18:2 combination, and
the lowest following the low C16:0, low C18:2 combination. However,
the diet combination of high C16:0 with high C18:2 resulted in a total
cholesterol response very similar to that of the low C16:0; low C18:2
diet (3.20 mmol/L vs. 3.17 mmol/L). This data suggests that in the
presence of adequate C18:2, palmitic acid has minimal effect on lipoprotein
synthetic rate. Effect of diet
on cholesterol FSR values is shown in Fig. 2. Values for FSR were
not significantly affected by either the C16:0 or C18:2 content of
the diet. This data suggests that palmitic acid does not influence
endogenous cholesterol synthesis for subjects who have cholesterol
values within the normal range. While no significant differences occur
in the FSR for cholesterol, it appears that larger FSR values occur
in the individual subjects who exhibit a greater change in serum cholesterol
values in response to diet treatment. This relationship, unlike that
of the lipoprotein response, appears to be independent of the dietary
linoleic acid level.
Figure 2. Fractional synthesis rate (FSR) for
total plasma cholesterol in subjects consuming the following diets:
Low C16:0, Low PUFA (n=5); Low C16:0, High PUFA (n=5); High C16:0,
Low PUFA (n=5); High C16:0, High PUFA (n=3). Diet fat effect non-significant
at p<0.05. Values are means + pooled SEM.

Current dietary recommendations suggest no more than
30% of total calories be derived from fat. Of this, at least one-third,
or 10% of calories, is suggested to be obtained from PUFA. The diets
in this study designated high in linoleic acid contained PUFA at the
levels currently recommended. At this linoleic acid content palmitic
acid had no significant effect on the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol
subfraction. This data suggests that the cholesterol raising potential
of palmitic acid is dependent on the linoleic acid level in the diet.
This finding may have important applications to the food industry
in that the favourable properties of palm olein in combination with
a good source of linoleic acid can be exploited without expecting
adverse effects on serum lipoprotein cholesterol content.
Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully appreciate the cooperation of study subjects
and acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of H Podjarkowski,
RA Bowen and S Vichnevskaia. The study was supported by grants from
the AARI, NSERC and the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia.
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Palmitic acid effect on lipoprotein
profiles and endogenous cholesterol synthesis or clearance in humans
SL Cook, SD Konrad, YK Goh,
MA French, MT Clandinin
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(1997) Volume 6, Number 1: 6-11

Copyright © 1993 [Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical
Nutrition]. All rights reserved.
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