Volume 11Issue 1
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Validation of skinfold thickness and hand-held impedance measurements for estimation of body fat percentage among Singaporean Chinese, Malay and Indian subjects.

Author : Deurenberg P, Deurenberg-Yap M.
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Characteristics of soy bread users and their beliefs about soy products.

Author : Worsley A, Wahlqvist ML, Dalais FS, Savige GS.
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A valid food frequency questionnaire for measuring dietary fish intake.

Author : Woods RK, Stoney RM, Ireland PD, Bailey MJ, Raven JM, Thien FC, Walters EH, Abramson MJ.
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Deficient dietary vitamin K intake among elderly nursing home residents in Hong Kong.

Author : Tse SL, Chan TY, Wu DM, Cheung AY, Kwok TC.
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Association of overall and abdominal obesity with coronary heart disease risk factors: comparison between urban and rural Indian men.

Author : Venkatramana P, Reddy PC.
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Cholesterol oxides: their occurrence and methods to prevent their generation in foods.

Author : Savage GP, Dutta PC, Rodriguez-Estrada MT.
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Anticancer and health protective properties of citrus fruit components.

Author : Silalahi J.
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Dietary patterns and risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in Fijian, Japanese and Vietnamese populations.

Author : Tomisaka K, Lako J, Maruyama C, Anh N, Lien D, Khoi HH, Van Chuyen N.
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Dietary patterns and nutrient intake of adult women in south-east China: a nutrition study in Zhejiang province.

Author : Zhang M, Binns CW, Lee AH.
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Serum concentrations of micronutrient antioxidants in an adult Arab population.

Author : Abiaka C, Olusi S, Simbeye A.
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Physicochemical properties and nutritional traits of millet-based weaning food suitable for infants of the Kumaon hills, Northern India.

Author : Thathola A, Srivastava S.
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Assessment of iodine deficiency in Kottayam district, Kerala State: a pilot study.

Author : Kapil U, Jayakumar PR, Singh P, Aneja B, Pathak P.
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Will iron supplementation given during menstruation improve iron status better than weekly supplementation?

Author : Februhartanty J, Dillon D, Khusun H.
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A prospective study of weight and height going from infancy to adolescence.

Author : Tienboon P, Wahlqvist ML.
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Role of plant metabolites in toxic liver injury.

Author : Gole MK, Dasgupta S.
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