Volume 8Issue 4
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Vitamin E levels in soleus muscles of experimentally induced hyperthyroid rats differ consequent to feeding of edible oils.

Author : Merican Z, Suboh B, Marzuki A, Khalid BA.
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Report of a seminar and workshop on Food-based Dietary Guidelines and Nutrition Education: Bridging Science and Communication.

Author : Florentino R, Tee ES, Poh BK.
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Workshop on the essentiality of and recommended dietary intakes for omega-6 and omega-3 Fatty acids.

Author : Simopoulos AP, Leaf A, Salem N Jr.
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Effect of single essential amino acid excess during pregnancy on dietary nitrogen utilization and fetal growth in rats.

Author : Mori M, Yamashita Y, Hiroi Y, Shinjo S, Asato R, Hirai K, Suzuki K, Yamamoto S.
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Palm vitamin E and the healing of ethanol-induced gastric lesions.

Author : Ismail NM, Jaarin K, Ahmad A, Marzuki A, Ng WK, Gapor MT.
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Differences in some haemostatic variables between fisheating and non-fish-eating populations.

Author : Bulliyya G.
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Dietary intake of trace elements, minerals and vitamins among severely malnourished children and its interrelationship with nutritional status:A prospective study.

Author : Kapil U, Tandon M, Nayar D, Pathak P, Yadav R, Dwivedi SN.
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Prevalence of overweight among Malaysian adults from rural communities.

Author : Khor GL, Yusof AM, Tee ES, Kandiah M, Lee Huang MS.
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Nutrition and ageing in Africa.

Author : Charlton K.
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Developing new forms of regional support for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Author : Akinyele IO.
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Food Basket Foundation International: Profile, mission statement and activities.

Author : Akinyele IO.
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