Volume 19Issue 1
Topic /

Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society Award for 2010 Dr Wen-Harn Pan

Author : Mark L Wahlqvist
Keyword :

Family nutritional support improves survival, immune restoration and adherence in HIV patients receiving ART in developing country

Author : Charlotte Serrano, Remi Laporte, Moussa Ide, Yacouba Nouhou, Pierre de Truchis, Elisabeth Rouveix, Adiza Adamou, Vanessa Pauly, Jean-François Mattei, Jean-Albert Gastaut
Keyword : AIDS, developing country, nutritional support, survival, immunologic restoration

Dietary habits and overweight/obesity in adolescents in Xi’an City, China

Author : Ming Li, Michael J Dibley, David W Sibbritt, Hong Yan
Keyword : dietary habits, adolescents, overweight and obesity, cross-sectional, China

Maintained total body water content and serum sodium concentrations despite body mass loss in female ultra- runners drinking ad libitum during a 100 km race

Author : Beat Knechtle, Oliver Senn, Reinhard Imoberdorf, Irena Joleska, Andrea Wirth, Patrizia Knechtle, Thomas Rosemann
Keyword : body composition, dehydration, ultra-endurance, water, performance

Male ironman triathletes lose skeletal muscle mass

Author : Beat Knechtle, Barbara Baumann, Andrea Wirth, Patrizia Knechtle, Thomas Rosemann
Keyword : body fat, body mass, dehydration, ultra-endurance, triathlon

Prevalence and characteristics of the metabolic syndrome among adults in Beijing, China

Author : Gang Li, Maximilian de Courten, Shufang Jiao, Yan Wang
Keyword : metabolic syndrome, prevalence, current smoking, China

Folate intake associated with lung function, breathlessness and the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Author : Fumi Hirayama, Andy H Lee, Koji Terasawa, Yasuo Kagawa
Keyword : breathlessness, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, folate, Japan, lung function

Health benefits of nuts in prevention and management of diabetes

Author : Cyril WC Kendall, Amin Esfahani, Jennifer Truan, Korbua Srichaikul, David JA Jenkins
Keyword : nuts, cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, diabetes, glycemia

The phytochemical composition and antioxidant actions of tree nuts

Author : Bradley W Bolling, Diane L McKay, Jeffrey B Blumberg
Keyword : tree nuts, phytochemicals, flavonoids, resveratrol, antioxidants

Nuts, inflammation and insulin resistance

Author : Patricia Casas-Agustench, Mònica Bulló, Jordi Salas-Salvadó
Keyword : nuts, inflammation, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease

Nuts, blood lipids and cardiovascular disease

Author : Joan Sabaté and Michelle Wien
Keyword : nuts, fatty acids, cardiovascular disease, blood lipids, cholesterol

Economic analysis of a diabetes-specific nutritional meal replacement for patients with type 2 diabetes

Author : Stephen Randolph, Vikkie A Mustad, James Lee, Jianqin Sun
Keyword : nutrition therapy, type 2 diabetes mellitus, computer simulation, cost analysis, quality adjusted life years

Nuts and healthy body weight maintenance mechanisms

Author : Richard D Mattes and Mark L Dreher
Keyword : nuts, body weight, satiation, metabolizable energy, energy expenditure

Tree nut consumption improves nutrient intake and diet quality in US adults: an analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2004

Author : Carol E O’Neil, Debra R Keast, Victor L Fulgoni III, Theresa A Nicklas
Keyword : tree nuts, nutrient intake, dietary adequacy, healthy eating index-2005, NHANES

Composition of weight gain during nutrition rehabilitation of severely under nourished children in a hospital based study from India

Author : Kankipati Vijay Radhakrishna, Bharati Kulkarni, Nagalla Balakrishna, Hemalatha Rajkumar, Chandrakala Omkar, Veena Shatrugna
Keyword : protein energy malnutrition, nutrition rehabilitation, body composition, fat mass, fat free mass

Correspondence of two procedures to measure abdominal circumference in a convenience sample of urban, middle-class schoolchildren in Guatemala City

Author : Virginia J Alvarado, Evelyn Mayorga, Susana Molina, Noel W Solomons
Keyword : juvenile central obesity, natural waist circumference, umbilical abdominal circumference, body mass index, Guatemala

Dietary patterns by reduced rank regression predicting changes in obesity indices in a cohort study: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study

Author : Roya Sherafat-Kazemzadeh, Shahryar Egtesadi, Parvin Mirmiran, Mahmoud Gohari, Sara Jalali Farahani, Firoozeh Hosseini Esfahani, Mohammad Reza Vafa, Mehdi Hedayati, Fereidoun Azizi
Keyword : dietary patterns, anthropometry, obesity, reduced rank regression, cohort

Effect of soy isoflavone extract supplements on bone mineral density in menopausal women: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Author : Kyoko Taku, Melissa K Melby, Jun Takebayashi, Shoichi Mizuno, Yoshiko Ishimi, Toyonori Omori, Shaw Watanabe
Keyword : meta-analysis, isoflavones, dietary supplements, menopause, bone density

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration of Indigenous-Fijian and Fijian-Indian women

Author : Christina Heere, C Murray Skeaff, Lepani Waqatakirewa, Penina Vatucawaqa, A Nisha Khan, Timothy J Green
Keyword : vitamin D status, women, Fijian, Indigenous, Indian

Hypovitaminosis D and K are highly prevalent and independent of overall malnutrition in the institutionalized elderly

Author : Akiko Kuwabara, Masako Himeno, Naoko Tsugawa, Maya Kamao, Minori Fujii, Nobuko Kawai, Miyuki Fukuda, Yoko Ogawa, Shoko Kido, Toshio Okano, Kiyoshi Tanaka
Keyword : hypovitaminosis D, hypovitaminosis K, principal component analysis, adequate intake, institutionalized elderly

High prevalence of low HDL-c in the Philippines compared to the US: population differences in associations with diet and BMI

Author : Julienne N Rutherford, Thomas W McDade, Alan B Feranil, Linda S Adair, Christopher W Kuzawa
Keyword : risk factors, dyslipidemia, low HDL-c, women, epidemiology
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