Volume 10Issue 4

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia

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Effect of monounsaturated fat in the diet on the serum lycopene levels.

Author : Ahuja KDK, Ball MJ.
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Cooking attenuates the ability of high amylose meals to reduce plasma insulin concentrations in rats.

Author : Brown MA, Higgins JA, Brown IL, McLennan PL, Storlien LH.
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Nutrition and horse racing: feeding racehorses.

Author : Bryden WL, Owens EA, McMeniman NP.
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Food insecurity in Somali women living in Australia.

Author : Burns C. 
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The demographic dimension: past and future.

Author : Caldwell JC.
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Using faecal measurements to estimate fermentation and acid accumulation in the caecum and colon.

Author : Clayton EH, Sherwood NS. 
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Canine and feline nutrition at the edge.

Author : Costa ND.
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Consumption of bangun-bangun leaves (Coleus amboinicus Lour) to increase breast milk production among Batakneese women in North Sumatra Island, Indonesia

Author : Damanik R, Damanik N, Daulay Z, Saragih S, Premier R, Wattanapenpaiboon N, Wahlqvist ML. 
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Dietary predictors of survival amongst Greeks in Melbourne. 

Author : Darmadi I, Kouris-Blazos A, Wahlqvist ML.
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Comparison of dietary analysis methods for human folate bioavailability studies.

Author : de Ambrosis AE, Arcot J, Paterson J, Shrestha AK, Haber P.
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Skeletal muscle triglycerides and central visceral adiposity predict insulin sensitivity in lean, young, healthy subjects from two ethnic groups.

Author : Dickinson S, Ward J, Brand-Miller JC, Petocz P, Thompson C. 
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Effect of changing amino acid concentration on urea and glucose release in sheep liver.

Author : Ali AM, Engelbrecht H, Van der Walt JG.
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Biobalanced livestock feeding systems.

Author : Dingle JG, Henuk YL.
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Uptake of N-acetylneuraminic acid-6-14C (sialic acid) into the brain of neonatal piglets.

Author : Downing JA, Wilkinson SJ, Wang B, Brand-Miller JC, Bryden WL.
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How effective is the 'low fat' message?

Author : Droulez V, Eden B, Sanderson S, Noakes M.
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Short and long term black tea consumption reverses endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease.

Author : Duffy SJ, Keaney JF, Holbrook M, Gokce N, Swerdloff PL, Frei B, Vita JA.
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Gateway for student dietitians into the information superhighway. 

Author : Edwards CA.
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An investigation into the association between eating environment and food intake of residents with dementia at an aged care failcity.

Author : Fendick AM, Konz LM, Vandervliet LE, Roberts DCK. 
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Folate, gene expression and genomic stability.

Author : Fenech M.
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Lycopene concentration and antioxidant capacity after consuming tomatoes with olive oil.

Author : Fielding JM, Li D, Stockmann R, Sinclair AJ.
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Nutrition as an evolutionary force.

Author : Foley WJ.
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Nutrition and trans-Antarctic trekking.

Author : Forbes-Ewan CH.
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Time course of incorporation of 1-14C-a-linolenic acid into various rat tissues. 

Author : Attar-Bashi NM, Sinclair AJ.
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Raw onion consumption inhibits in vitro lipoprotein oxidation in plasma. P

Author : Gabler NK, Ostrowska E, Sterling SJ, Jones RB, Tatham BG, Eagling DG, Dunshea FR.
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Health benefits of macadamia nuts in borderline hyperlipidaemic male volunteers.

Author : Garg ML, Rudra PK, Blake RJ, Wills R.
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Fermentation of fibers by cat fecal microflora: evaluation of six novel fibre sources, two non-digestible oligosaccharides and two gelling agents. 

Author : Giffard CJ, Butterwick RF, Batt RM.
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A comparison of food choice patterns in the usual diets of a sample of women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus. 

Author : Gillen LJ, Tapsell LC, Martin GS, Daniells S, Moses RG.
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Rumen protected conjugated linoleic acids: effects on milk composition in dairy cows.

Author : Gulati SK, McGrath S, Wynn PC, Scott TW.
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Supplement usage in women entering the menopausal transition in Brisbane.

Author : Hanna KL, Williams R, O'Neill S, Khoo SK, McIntosh R, Patterson C, Lyons-Wall P.
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Progress in the elimination of iodine deficiency as a cause of brain damage by the year 2000.

Author : Hetzel BS.
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Regular ingestion of tea does not inhibit in vivo lipid peroxidation in humans.

Author : Hodgson JM, Croft KD, Mori TA, Burke V, Beilin LJ, Puddey IB. 
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Do differences in nutrient intake predict differences in bone mass in boys: a co-twin control study.

Author : Iuliano-Burns S, Hopper JL, Seeman E.
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Determination of folate contents in vegetables.

Author : Iwatani Y, Arcot J, Shrestha AK. 
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Malnutrition in children with cancer in Pakistan.

Author : Atta-ur-Rehman Q.
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Influence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on blood pressure and some physiological parameters of female rats fed with a diet high in saturated fat and salt.

Author : Jayassoriya AP, Armitage JA, Weisinger HS, Weisinger RS, Burns P, Purcell B, Mathai M, Morris M, Vingrys AJ, Sinclair AJ.
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Influence of dietary stearic acid enrichment on individual platelet phospholipid fatty acid composition. 

Author : Kelly FD, Mann NJ, Turner AH, Li D, Sinclair AJ.
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Depression in malnourished children with cancer.

Author : Kiran I, Atta-ur-Rehman Q.
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Nutrition and metabolism during prolonged Earth orbit.

Author : Lane HW.
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The impact of dominance hierarchy, salivary pheromones and saliva contamination on feed preference in grower pigs.

Author : Lansdowne R, Van Koesveld M, Gallagher NL, Sclater J, Collins DP, Giles LR, Wynn PC.
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Increased dietary saturated fat intake decreases the ratio of thromboxane/prostacyclin in healthy male subjects.

Author : Li D, Habito R, Angelos G, Sinclair AJ, Ball MJ.
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Effect of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency on fatty acid composition of brain phospholipid classes in rats.

Author : Li D, Loh CY, Sinclair AJ.
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Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of canned meats commonly available in Australia.

Author : Li D, Mansor M, Zhuo SR, Woon T, Anthony MA, Sinclair AJ.
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The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of commonly available green vegetables in Australia.

Author : Li D, Pereira C, Sinclair AJ. 
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Relationship between platelet phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary intake of fish, meat and polyunsaturated fat in male Melbourne Chinese and Caucasian.

Author : Li D, Zhang H, Hsu-Hage BHH, Wahlqvist ML, Sinclair AJ.
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Degradation of canola and lupin meals in the rumen.

Author : Baker SK, Henry DC, Klein L, Mills HR, Pimm CL, Store LA.
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Effects of the glycemic index on the insulin-like growth factor system.

Author : Liu VR, Baxter RC, Brand-Miller JC.
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Relative validity of dietary self-report in an intervention trial for Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Author : Martin GS, Tapsell LC, Batterham MJ, Calvert GD.
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Prospects for the Third Horseman in an environmentally stressed biosphere.

Author : McMichael AJ.
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Against the odds - a jockeys 'lot'.

Author : Moore JM.
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Dietary vitamin E modulates immune responses to Salmonella typhimurium in chickens. 

Author : Muir WI, Husband AJ, Bryden WL. 
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Diet containing coca powder with flavanols and procyanidins inhibits platelet function.

Author : Murphy KJ, Fassoulakis AK, Singh I, Francis MA, Pike MJ, Turner AH, Mann NJ, Sinclair AJ.
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Growth of goats for meat production: effect of breed and castration.

Author : Murray PJ, Sumarmono J, Pratiwi NMW, Taylor DG.
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The intestinal microflora in Australian breast-fed and formula-fed infants.

Author : Napoli JEAC, Brand-Miller JC, Agus H, Romeo M. 
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Comparison of isoflavone absorption from soybean extract and red clover. 

Author : Nestel PJ, Pomeroy S, Tsunoda N.
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Dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids alter the molecular species profile of avian breast muscle phospholipids.

Author : Newman RE, Bryden WL, Fleck E, Storlien LH, Downing JA.
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Calculating resting energy expenditure in men with HIV/AIDS.

Author : Batterham MJ, Morgan-Jones J, Greenop P, Garsia R, Gold J.
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The acute effect of resistant starch on postprandial satiety in an overweight population.

Author : Ngai HHY, Brenninger VL, Tapsell LC, Brown IL.
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Consumers lack understanding of functional foods - a survey in an Australian university population.

Author : Nicholas L, McNamara E, Stanton J, Roberts DCK. 
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Antarctic bacteria: a new source of polyunsaturated fatty acids for humans?

Author : Nichols DS, Sanderson K, Smith M, Nichols PD, Lewis T, McMeekin TA.
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Commodity consumption average in Mediterranean countries (1962-1998) compared with Australia.

Author : Noah A, Truswell AS.
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Blood pressure and dietary sodium reduction in normotensive subjects.

Author : Nowson CA, Morgan TO, Gibbons C.
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Pregnancy and lactation have no long-term adverse effects on bone mass: a twin study. 

Author : Nowson CA, Paton LM, Alexander JL, Margerison C, Frame MG, Kaymakci B, Wark JD.
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Resident humans under polar conditions.

Author : O'Dea K, Lugg D, Niall M.
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Raw brown onion consumption reduces plasma triglycerides and has other health benefits.

Author : Ostrowska E, Gabler NK, Tatham BG, Sterling SJ, Jones RB, Eagling DR, Dunshea FR.
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Dietary fish oil supplementation increases the in vitro contractility of rat ileum.

Author : Patten GS, McMurchie EJ, Abeywardena MY, Jahangiri A.
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Nutrition of working animals.

Author : Pearson RA.
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Saturated fat intake linked to risk of inflammatory bowel disease - results of a case control study.

Author : Bencke A, Roberts DCK, Batey R. 
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Upper limits of inclusion of canola meal and cottonseed meal formulated on a digestible amino acid basis for chicken meat production. 

Author : Perez-Maldonado RA.
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Are probiotics effective? 

Author : Playne MJ.
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Role of muscle phospholipids in reducing carcass fatness and improved tenderness of meat in lambs. 

Author : Ponnampalam EN, Egan AR, Hosking BJ, Leury BJ, Sinclair AJ. 
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Physical traits of goat meat: a comparison between meat from castrated and entire Boer bucks.

Author : Pratiwi NMW, Sumarmono J, Murray PJ, Taylor DG.
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The role of dietary glutamate in food perceptions and preferences.

Author : Prescott J.
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Evaluation of cottonseed meal for grower pigs between 20 and 50kg liveweight.

Author : Singh DN, Perez-Maldonado R, Blight GW, Magee MH.
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Omega-3 intake of cardiac patients: how much do they consume and are there any disadvantages?

Author : Sivarajah G, Davis C, Talbot P, Samman S, Sullivan D
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Refugee camps - a food security, livelihood and childhood nutrition assessment at Sinje, Cape Mount Country, Liberia, West Africa.

Author : Stevens D, Bencke AJ. 
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An overview of gene-nutrient interactions.

Author : Strain JJ, Downes CS.
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Seasonal variations of total lipid and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid contents in two Victorian farmed abalone species.

Author : Su XQ, Antonas KN, Li D.
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A role for polyunsaturated C18 free fatty acids in the toughness of cooked beef.

Author : Beveridge SJ, Wold CA.
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Distribution on n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in different edible portions of the blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus).

Author : Sullivan M, Su XQ, Li D.
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Carcass composition of entire and castrated full blood improved Boer bucks.

Author : Sumarmono J, Pratiwi NMW, Murray PJ, Taylor DG.
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High carbohydrate and high monounsaturated fat dietary targets produce similar outcomes in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus with concomitant reduced saturated fat intakes.

Author : Tapsell LC, Calvert GD, Martin GS, Batterham M, Denmeade S. 
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A method for determining the amino acid and glucose requirements of new lines of pig.

Author : Teleni E, Singh D, Martin DG, Reid CE
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The impact of xenoestrogens in the diet: feminizing agents or functional foods? 

Author : Thomson BM, Cressey PJ, Shaw IC.
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The impact of changing world resources on food security.

Author : Wahlqvist ML.
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Brain sialic acid concentration: comparison of breast-fed vs formula-fed infants.

Author : Wang B, Brand-Miller J, Petocz P, McVeagh P.
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Nutritional ecology of reindeer/caribou and their interaction with humans. 

Author : White RG, Russell DE, Holand Ø, Griffith B, Cameron RD, Kofinas G, Nobmann ED, Kruse J.
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The effect of storage and cooking on lipid oxidation of raw and cooked beef and goat meat.

Author : Widayaka K, Setyawardani T, Sumarmono J. 
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Monosodium glutamate and asthma - what is the evidence?

Author : Woods RK.
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A new food labelling program for the glycemic index. 

Author : Brand-Miller JC, Barclay AW, Irwin T.
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Sodium intake and self-efficacy.

Author : Woodward DR, Ball PJ, Beard TC. 
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Water consumption by rusa stags.

Author : Yape Kii W, Dryden GMcL. 
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Compliance with the dietary regimen in a five-year trial of the primary prevention of asthma.

Author : Yiu A, Mihrshahi S, Webb K, Peat JK, Marks GB, Leeder SR. 
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The effect of two years milk supplementation on bone mineral accretion in Chinese adolescent girls.

Author : Zhu K, Greenfield H, Du X, Fraser DR.
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