P33 Folate composition of fresh Australian pork 2005/6

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Author : J Arcot, Z Nasution , S Vishnumohan, JA Barnes, H Greenfield
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Issue : Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2006;15 (Suppl 3): S120
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Background – Australian fresh pork composition was last analysed in 1994; since then rearing and butchering practices have improved considerably with potential to affect composition of pork as available at the present time. Objective – To assess the folate composition of nationally representative retail fresh pork cuts in 2005/6
Design – Fresh pork cuts were purchased anonymously in three capital cities in 2005/2006 according to a sampling design that generates representative independent duplicate samples per state. Pork loin chop was studied as independent state duplicates, and other cuts were analysed as national homogenates. Gross composition was measured at Food Science Australia and lean and fat homogenates, raw and cooked, were formed for freight as fresh chilled samples for folate measurement in triplicate by the tri-enzyme method (1), modified with a fourth lipase enzyme treatment.
Outcomes – Folate levels varied from 0–83μ g/100 g in raw lean, and from 0-37 μg/100 g in raw fat. The nationwide average folate levels for all cuts in μ g/100 g (mean + SD) were: raw lean, 39.8 + 24.8, cooked lean, 28.6 + 23.2, raw fat, 17.8 + 12.3, cooked fat, 25.9 + 21.5.
Conclusions – Australian raw fresh pork contains highly variable levels of folate. The average levels of folate in Australian pork were higher than expected, and were much higher than reported for British or American fresh pork. Reference

  1. Tamura, T, Mizuno, Y, Johnson, KE, Jacob, RA. (1997) Food folate assay with protease, α-amylase and folate conjugase treatments. J Agric Food Chem 1997;45:135-139.
    Funding - Study funded by Australian Pork Limited.
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