Asia Pacific J Clin
Nutr (1997) 6(1): 36-40

effects of tocotrienols, tocopherols and squalene: studies in the
HT Khor and DY Chieng
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty
of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Syrian Golden hamsters have been widely used as
a experimental model for the investigation of the aetiology and
development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The responses
of the hamster to dietary fat manipulations are in many ways similar
to that observed in humans. The lipidaemic effect of a tocotrienol
rich fraction (TRF) from palm oil on human trials has not been consistent.
In this study, the cholesterolaemic effect of tocotrienols and tocopherols
were differentiated by using pure tocotrienols (that were isolated
from palm oil fatty acid distillate) and pure commercial tocopherols
and squalene. A palm oil triacylglycerol fraction (POTG), free of
all unsaponifiable matter, was used as the dietary fat in different
feeding experiments. Tocotrienols added at 162 ppm to POTG (POTG-T3L)
significantly (P<0.05) lowered serum total cholesterol (TC) level
as compared to that of the POTG group; but the serum LDL-C , HDL-C
and TG levels of the POTG-T3L group were not significantly lower
than that of the POTG group (P>0.05). Increasing the level of
tocotrienol supplementation to the diet (POTG-T3H) appeared to raise
rather then reduce the serum TC, LDL-C and HDL-C levels as compared
to that of POTG-T3L group. This observation that lower level of
tocotrienol supplementation appeared to exhibit stronger hypocholesterolaemic
effect than a higher level of tocotrienol supplementation is interesting;
but its explanation is not yet forthcoming. When tocopherols were
supplemented at 72 ppm to the POTG diet it was observed that the
serum TC, LDL-C and HDL-C levels were all somewhat increased when
compared to that of the POTG group. These results suggest that tocotrienols
and tocopherols may have opposite cholesterolaemic effects in the
hamster, and further experiments need to clarify the mode of action
of these vitamin E isomers. In our second series of experiments
the cholesterolaemic effects of tocotrienols and tocopherols were
studied in the presence of squalene, a key intermediate in the cholesterol
synthesis pathway and a controversial cholesterol lowering agent.
Squalene added to the diet at 0.1% level significantly lowered (P<0.05)
serum TC level when compared to that of the POTG group. The LDL-C,
HDL-C and TG levels appeared to be lowered by the squalene supplementation
also but the differences between the POTG-SQ and POTG groups were
not statistically significant (P>0.05). When tocotrienols or
tocopherols were added to the squalene-containing POTG diets, the
serum TC and LDL-C levels were further reduced (P<0.01) when
compared to that of the POTG and POTG-SQ groups. The HDL-C and TG
levels were not affected by tocotrienol or tocopherol supplementation
in the presence of squalene. These results indicate that in the
presence of tocotrienols and squalene POTG exhibit hypocholesterolaemic
action whereas tocopherols may have a hypercholesterolaemic effect
in the hamster.
Key words: Plasma lipids, vitamin
E, tocotrienols, squalene
Epidemiological studies reveal that plasma vitamin
E level is inversely correlated with the risk of cardiovascular disease1.
Two recent cohort studies provide further evidence of an association
of high vitamin E intake and a lower risk of coronary heart disease
in men and women2,3. All the above studies focus on tocopherols,
the most widely distributed form of vitamin E in nature.
Tocotrienols, another form of vitamin E, were found
to be present only in a few limited sources with palm oil as the richest
source of tocotrienols in nature4,5. A tocotrienol concentrate,
trade-named Palmvitee, was prepared from palm oil and capsulated;
each capsule contains about 40 mg of tocotrienols and 20 mg of tocopherols.
Human trials on the above tocopherol-tocotrienol-rich capsules with
normal and hypercholesterolaemic subjects yielded inconsistent results6-8.
The discrepancies in the above observations are not yet explained;
however, one obvious difference in the above trials was the dosages
used in the experiments. It appeared that experiments with lower dosages
of Palmvitee tended to give positive hypo-cholesterolaemic effect
whereas higher dosages of Palmvitee tended to give neutral effect.
In order to study the cholesterolaemic effect of tocotrienols
and tocopherols separately we have isolated pure palm oil tocotrienols
from palm oil fatty distillate, a by-product of the palm oil refining
process. Tocopherols and squalene were obtained from commercial sources.
The tocotrienols, tocopherols and squalene were added to the dietary
fat, palm oil triacylglycerols, isolated free of all unsaponifiable
components from palm oil. The Hamster was used as the experimental
model because it has many similar features of lipid metabolism as
that seen in humans including the responses to dietary lipid manipulations.
Hamsters have been extensively used in studies of lipid metabolism
in relation to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease 9-12.
and methods
and diets
Male Golden Syrian hamsters of body weights ranging
from 100 to 150 g were obtained from the animal Research Centre, University
of Malaya. They were divided into groups of approximately equal body
weights and housed individually in stainless cages in a temperature-regulated,
25 ± 2° C, and light-controlled room with a 12-hr of dark and light
cycle. All groups were given cholesterol-free, high fat (20%, w/w)
semisynthetic diets supplemented either with tocotrienols, tocopherols
or squalene. Tocotrienols were isolated from palm oil fatty distillate
by solvent extraction and column chromatography13. The
tocotrienols were chromatographically pure (99.9%) by HPLC and Capillary
GLC and were composed of a-tocotrienol (43%) g-tocotrienol (50%) and
d-tocotrienol (7%). Tocopherols (containing mainly a-tocopherol) and squalene were obtained
from commercial sources (Sigma Chemical Co, St Louis, USA) The general
formula of the semisynthetic diet is given in Table 1. The animals
were fed these experimental diets for 45 days. Water was given ad
libitum and diets were given daily. At the end of the experimental
period, the animals were fasted overnight. Blood and liver were taken
while the animals were under ether anaesthesia. Serum was prepared
by centrifugation at 2500 rpm for 10 minutes at room temperature.
Serum and liver were stored at -20° C until analysis.
Table 1. Composition of the semisynthetic diets
Ingredients |
Cornflour |
Dextrose |
Choline bitartrate
Cellulose |
0 - 0.1
Casein |
Mineral mix
Oil* |
Vitamin mix
* palm oil triglycerides isolated free of all unsaponifiable
matters from commercial palm oil.
Study 1. Effect of dietary tocotrienols
and tocopherols on serum and liver lipids. Four groups of hamsters were used. One group was fed on semisynthetic
diet containing POTG as the dietary fat. The second group was fed
on semisynthetic diet containing POTG supplemented with 72 ppm of
tocopherols; the third group was fed on semisynthetic diet containing
POTG supplemented with 162 ppm of tocotrienols, and the fourth group
was fed on semisynthetic diet containing POTG supplemented with 1000
ppm of tocotrienols..
Study 2. Effect of squalene, tocotrienols
and tocopherols in serum and liver lipids. Four groups of hamsters were used. Group 1 was fed on a control
semisynthetic diet which contained POTG as the dietary fat. Group
2 was fed on the control semisynthetic diet supplemented with 0.1%
of squalene. Group 3 was fed on the control semisynthetic diet supplemented
with 0.1% of squalene and 162 ppm of tocotrienols. Group 4 was fed
on the control semisynthetic diet supplemented with 0.1% of squalene
and 72 ppm of tocopherols.
of serum lipids
Serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and TG levels
were analysed by enzymic methods using Sigma diagnostic kits (Sigma
Chemical Co., St Louis, USA)7. LDL-cholesterol level was
determined from the supernatant of the HDL fraction according to that
described by Pearce et al14.
of liver lipids
Liver lipids were extracted with chloroform-methanol
(2:1,v/v) as described by Folch et al15. Liver lipids
were fractionated into neutral and polar lipid fraction on a acid-treated
Florisil column16. The neutral lipids were then separated
into different lipid classes on HPLC using a 10 µ silica column and
quantified with a evaporative light scattering detector17.
The hamsters grew well and appeared healthy on these
semisynthetic diets and no significant difference in body weights
was evident at the end of the feeding period. Supplementation of the
POTG diets with different levels of tocotrienols and tocopherols had
significant effect on the serum lipids. As shown in Figure 1, the
serum total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C and HDL-C levels were somewhat
elevated, though not significantly, when the hamsters received a diet
supplemented with 72 ppm of tocopherols (POTG-T) as compared to the
control, POTG, group which received no tocopherol supplementation..
When tocotrienols were supplemented at 162 ppm the serum TC, LDL-C
and HDL-C levels were lower as compared to that of the control POTG
group, but statistical significance was attained only between TC differences
of the control (POTG) and tocotrienol-treated (POTG-T3L) groups. When
the level of tocotrienol supplementation was raised from 162 ppm to
1000 ppm in the diet, the serum TC, LDL-C and HDLC levels were not
further reduced but on the contrary somewhat raised as compared to
the POTG-T3L group.
Figure 1. Effect of tocopherol and tocotrienol
supplementation on the serum lipid levels in the hamster.

Supplementation with either tocopherols or tocotrienols
appeared to lower the serum TG level as compared with the control
but due to variability in TG values among groups there was no statistically
significant effect. There also appeared to be no differential effect
between the tocopherols and the tocotrienols.
Supplementation of the diets with tocopherols and
tocotrienols produced no effect on the liver total lipids. Similarly
tocopherol supplementation caused only a slight elevation whereas
tocotrienol supplementation caused a slight reduction in liver TC
when compared to the control (Figure 2). The slight elevation in liver
TC in POTG-T, POTG-T3L and POTG-T3H groups as compared to the control
was due to substantial increases in free cholesterol (FC) levels.
the liver TG level was also appeared to be slightly elevated by tocopherol
and tocotrienol supplementation (Figure 2). The other liver lipids
such as diacylglycerols (DAG), monacylglycerols (MAG) and free fatty
acids (FFA) were not much affected.
Figure 2. Effect of tocopherol and tocotrienol
supplementation on liver cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels in
the hamster.

The effect of squalene supplementation (0.1%) to a
cholesterol-free, high fat semi-synthetic diet on serum lipids is
shown in Figure 3. These results show that squalene supplementation
significantly lowered (P<0.05) serum TC level between the control
and the squalene-supplemented groups; the HDL-C, LDL-C and TG levels
also appeared to be somewhat lower as compared to the control POTG
group. When tocotrienols (162 ppm) were added to the squalene-supplemented
diet the serum TC and LDL-C (P<0.01) levels were further lowered
as compared to the control POTG group. The HDL-C and TG levels were
not affected as compared to the POTG group. Addition of tocopherols
(72 ppm) to the squalene-supplemented diet produced significantly
lower serum TC and LDL-C levels (P<0.01) than that of the control
POTG group. The HDL-C and TAG levels were not much affected by the
tocopherol addition.
Figure 3. Effect of squalene, tocopherol, and
tocotrienol supplementation on serum lipid levels in the hamster.

Squalene supplementation in the diet also produced
significant changes in the liver lipid profiles. Squalene supplementation
in the diet resulted in significant increase in liver total lipids
(TL) as compared to the control group (Figure 4). The increase in
liver TL in the squalene-supplemented group was due to significant
increase in liver cholesterol content which was attributed to a significant
increase in cholesterol esters; the free cholesterol content was not
affected. There was a slight increase in liver TG content of squalene
-supplemented group as compared to the control (Figure 5). The other
liver lipids, namely DAG, MAG, and FFA, were not much affected by
squalene or tocotrienol or tocopherol supplementation.
Figure 4. Effect of squalene, tocopherol and
tocotrienol supplementation on liver total lipids in the hamster.

Figure 5. Effect of squalene, tocopherol and
tocotrienol supplementation on liver cholesterol and triacylglycerol
levels in the hamster.

The antioxidant effect of vitamin E, both tocotrienols
(only in vitro) and tocopherols, in biological systems is well
established18 but the cholesterolaemic effect of these
vitamins is still controversial. Previous studies in humans showed
that tocopherol supplementation had no effect on serum cholesterol
level19-24 or actually showed a slight lowering effect
on serum cholesterol in some individuals25,26. In animal
models, Khor and Chieng27 reported that short-term (6 days)
treatment of male guinea pigs with tocopherols produced no effect
on serum cholesterol levels, but Chen et al28 reported
that adding 100 ppm tocopherols to a semipurified diet containing
vitamin E-stripped corn oil significantly increased serum total cholesterol
and HDL-C levels in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Our present results
(Figure 1) which show that hamsters fed on semipurified diet containing
72 ppm of tocopherols for 45 days had a nonsignificant rise in serum
total cholesterol level suggests that tocopherols are probably neutral.
Tocotrienols isolated from barley was shown to inhibit
HMG CoA reductase activity in broilers29. More recently
Khor et al13 reported that tocotrienols isolated
from palm oil fatty acid distillate inhibited HMG CoA reductase activity
in the guinea pig after 6 consecutive treatments. A tocopherol-tocotrienol
rich fraction from palm oil, Palmvitee, however, produced inconsistent
results on human trials; both positive6,7 and neutral effect8
were observed. The discrepancy in observations on Palmvitee effect
on serum cholesterol levels was ascribed partly to the dosages of
Palmvitee used in the above experiments. Our present results (Figure
1) which show that tocotrienols were more effective at lower dosages
in lowering serum cholesterol level than at higher dosages and that
low dosage (5 mg/day for 6 days) of tocopherols showed slight inhibitory
effect whereas high dosage (50 mg/day for 6 days) of tocopherols showed
strong enhancing effect on HMG CoA reductase activity27
may explain the above observed discrepancy with Palmvitee trials.
However, 6 days is not long enough to be of clinical trial importance.
More recently Qureshi et al30 reported that small
dosage (21 nmol/g) of a-tocopherol attenuated the inhibitory effect
of g -tocotrienol on HMG CoA reductase activity in chickens. Moreover, further
experiments are required to establish the differential dose-dependent
cholesterolaemic effect of tocotrienols and tocopherols.
Cholesterol biosynthesis in the mammalian body is
subjected to feedback regulation by its intermediates. Squalene is
a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and its cellular
level is believed to play a regulatory role in cholesterol biosynthesis31.
Squalene is present in many food products in different amounts32
and its daily intake for an individual varies according to the types
of foods consumed. In America the squalene intake can vary from 25
mg to 200 mg32. Previous studies with nonhyper-cholesterolaemic
subjects showed that squalene feeding (900 mg/day) for 30 days did
not raise serum cholesterol levels33. On the other hand,
studies with hypercholesterolaemic subjects showed that low squalene
supplementation (0.5 g/day) in the diet had no serum cholesterol-raising
effect; whereas large supplementation (1 g/day) elevated the serum
cholesterol levels34. In laboratory animal studies, Tilvis
and Miettinen35 observed that supplementation of 1% of
squalene in the diet did not significantly raise serum cholesterol
levels in male Sprague-Dawley rats whereas Huang et al36
reported that adding 1% of squalene to the diet significantly increased
serum cholesterol levels in the rat. In our present study adding 0.1%
squalene in the diet significantly lowered serum total cholesterol
level in the hamster (Figure 3). The differences in the above observation
could be due to differences in the animal models and the level of
squalene supplementation. In our study the lowering of serum cholesterol
levels was associated with a significant increase in liver cholesterol
esters (Figure 5). It appears that squalene may enhance the cholesterol
esterase activity in the liver resulting in accumulation of cholesterol
esters in the tissue. Further experiments are in progress to confirm
this assumption.
Addition of tocotrienols to squalene-supplemented
diet resulted in further reduction of serum cholesterol levels (Figure
3). This result confirms earlier observation that tocotrienols possessed
hypocholesterolaemic effect in the hamster. Unexpectedly addition
of tocopherols to squalene supplemented also resulted in further reduction
in serum cholesterol levels in the hamster (Figure 3). Nakabayshi
et al37 also observed that a-tocopherol enhances the hypocholesterolaemic action of sesamin in rats.
In conclusion, our results show that tocotrienols
possess hypocholesterolaemic effect while tocopherols may have hypercholesterolaemic
action in the hamster. Squalene at 0.1% supplementation shows hypocholesterolaemic
effect and tocotrienols and tocopherols may enhance the hypocholesterolaemic
action of squalene. The hypo-cholesterolaemic action of squalene appears
to be mediated by an accumulation of cholesterol esters in the liver.
Acknowledgment. This project was supported by research grants from the Palm Oil Research
Institute of Malaysia and the University of Malaya. PFAD was supplied
by Lam Soon (M) Berhad, Selangor, Malaysia.
Lipidaemic effects
of tocotrienols, tocopherols and squalene: studies in the hamster
HT Khor and DY Chieng
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) Volume 6, Number
1: 36-40

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