Volume 23Supplement 1
Topic /

Prospects for better nutrition in India

Author : Rajan Sankar, Tina van den Briel
Keyword : micronutrient deficiencies, stunting, nutrition programs, India

Food fortification as a complementary strategy for the elimination of micronutrient deficiencies: case studies of large scale food fortification in two Indian States

Author : Sadhana Bhagwat, Deepti Gulati, Ruchika Sachdeva, Rajan Sankar
Keyword : micronutrient malnutrition, staple food fortification, India

Improving the nutrition quality of the school feeding program (Mid-Day Meal) in India through fortification: a case study

Author : Sadhana Bhagwat, Rajan Sankar, Ruchika Sachdeva, Leena Joseph, Sivaranjani
Keyword : school feeding, food fortification, mid-day meal, India

Production of fortified food for a public supplementary nutrition program: performance and viability of a decentralised production model for the Integrated Child Development Services Program, India

Author : Clémentine Antier, Salil Kumar, Sadhana Bhagwat, Rajan Sankar
Keyword : decentralised complementary food production, viability, women empowerment, India, ICDS

Capacity of frontline ICDS functionaries to support caregivers on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices in Gujarat, India

Author : Anuraag Chaturvedi, N Nakkeeran, Minal Doshi, Ruchi Patel, Sadhana Bhagwat
Keyword : infant and young child feeding practices, knowledge, skills, ICDS, Anganwadi Workers, India

The National Coalition for Sustained Optimal Iodine intake (NSOI): a case study of a successful experience from India

Author : Kapil Yadav, Arijit Chakrabarty, Jee Hyun Rah, Rakesh Kumar, Victor Aguayo, Mohammad Anas Ansari, Rajan Sankar, Madhu Ganesh Karmarkar, Chandrakant S Pandav
Keyword : universal salt iodisation, iodine deficiency disorders, multi-sectoral, national coalition
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