Volume 13Issue 2

Includes Joint ZAST/IUNS/WHO workshop " Current patterns and emerging challenges of nutrition cuisine and health" 14-17 October 2003, Hangzhou, China

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Cuisine and health: a new initiative for science and technology 'The Zhejiang Report' from Hangzhou.

Author : Mark ML, Savige G, Wattanapenpaiboon N.
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Economic development and its influences and risks for nutrition, cuisine and health.

Author : McKay J.
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Human rights and the governance of food quality and safety in China.

Author : Rongguang Z, Kent G.
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Nuclear and isotopic techniques applied to supporting nutritional studies in East Asia and Pacific Countries: IAEA's contributions over 20 years.

Author : Kim SA, Miranda-da-Cruz B, Mokhtar N, Iyengar V.
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Intuitive eating and the nutrition transition in Asia.

Author : Hawks SR, Merrill RM, Madanat HN, Miyagawa T, Suwanteerangkul J, Guarin CM, Shaofang C.
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Intake of soy foods and soy isoflavones by rural adult women in China.

Author : Liu Z, Li W, Sun J, Liu C, Zeng Q, Huang J, Yu B, Huo J.
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Evidence for a prospective anti-osteoporosis effect of black tea (Camellia Sinensis) extract in a bilaterally ovariectomized rat model.

Author : Das AS, Mukherjee M, Mitra C.
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Legumes: the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities.

Author : Darmadi-Blackberry I, Wahlqvist ML, Kouris-Blazos A, Steen B, Lukito W, Horie Y, Horie K.
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Cultural and historical trends and influences of food, nutrition and cuisine on health and development.

Author : Erlich R.
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Cuisine: the concept and its health and nutrition implications--global.

Author : MacLennan R, Zhang A.
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Cuisine: the concept and its health and nutrition implications--a Hangzhou perspective.

Author : AiZhen Z, YuHong W, MacLennan R.
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Cuisine: Hangzhou foods and their role in community health and nutrition.

Author : Li D, Premier R.
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Traditional Chinese food technology and cuisine.

Author : Li JR, Hsieh YH.
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Contemporary food technology and its impact on cuisine.

Author : Lupien JR, Lin DX.
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Nutrition-related disease and death in Zhejiang Province?

Author : Gangqiang D, Ming Y, Weiwei G, Ruying H, MacLennan R.
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The food industry and provincial economies.

Author : Walsh G, Li D.
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